jdb电子 Clubs and Organizations
jdb电子 clubs and organizations are designed to enhance your experience as a student. 它们是结交朋友、学习新技能的好途径,甚至穿上牛仔裤也很好看. New groups are always welcome.
加入一个俱乐部, complete this online form or scan the QR code.
联系: 学生生活
610-372-4721 ext 5206
Aevidum -这个组织的目的是让年轻人打破围绕抑郁的沉默, 自杀, 以及在本章程、规章制度框架内青少年和大学生面临的其他问题, 规定, and policies of the College and the Board of Trustees.
顾问: 莉莎特花
610-372-4721 ext. 5005
艺术 & 设计俱乐部 -为我们自己创造一个讨论艺术和设计可能性的空间, jdb电子 and the community as a whole. This will happen through, 事件, 旅行, 会谈, and a repeatable safe, casual environment to talk, work and share ideas with each other.
顾问: 安东尼·维加
黑人学生会 -该组织的目的是为有色人种学生提供一个温馨舒适的空间,并以最好的方式支持我们的社区.
顾问: Chavonna库珀
610-372-4721 ext. 5262
Community Service Club - By engaging the jdb电子 community through donation collection, 社区服务俱乐部吸引人们关注我们更大的当地社区的问题,以教育公众. 这是通过筹款活动来收集资源,再加上关注我们社区问题的对话的力量. 这些令人大开眼界的行为为jdb电子学生建立了一个富有同情心和参与感的社区,并为有需要的人提供了可用的资源.
顾问: 玛吉Kerbel
多样性的俱乐部 -该俱乐部向所有就读雷丁区社区学院的学生开放,他们希望促进对不同文化的接受和分享, 比赛, 能力, 生活方式, 和观点. The club especially welcomes international, English language learners, and LGBTQ+ students who are adjusting to college life. Monthly meetings include a time for sharing ideas and talents. 俱乐部在春季举办受欢迎的年度国际节日,并参与社区服务活动.
顾问: 塔纳挖隧道
610-372-4721 ext. 5062
戏剧俱乐部 -这个俱乐部的目的是创造性地合作,通过发人深省的阅读帮助恢复, 教育, 以及在宪法和规章制度的框架内赋予戏剧权力的本质, 规定, and policies of the College and the Board of Trustees.
顾问: 艾伦·沃尔特
环保俱乐部 -本组织的宗旨是传播有关环境问题的资料, engage in sustainable practices, and promote a cleaner, "greener" way of living on campus and in the community. 绿色行动以每年的地球日活动为其长达一年的倡议画上了句号.
联系: 尼古拉斯Fulwood
电子竞技 - - - eSports team at jdb电子 provides a fun, social environment for the many video game players of all skill levels and interests at Reading Area Community College through organized meetings and 事件; and promote the growth of the eSports community and camaraderie between all gamers. 加入我们的争吵 or visit the Gaming Room in Gust Zogas Student Union Building, Room Z-102.
联系: 索尼娅Rieger
FitClub -我们俱乐部的使命是在我们的学生社区中鼓励和支持健康和积极的生活方式. We are committed to providing a welcoming, 包容, and motivating environment that fosters physical well-being, 心理弹性, 个人成长.
顾问: 科里作者舒诺华
610-372-4721 ext. 5068
前街日报 - - - 前街日报 is the student newspaper of Reading Area Community College. 它的使命是为大学社区的所有成员提供一个自由交流思想和信息的论坛. In addition to editorial 工作人员 opportunities, FSJ is always looking for reporters, 摄影师, as well as a marketing/business manager.
顾问: 乔迪•格林
The Future Educators Club (FEA) - - - Future Educators Club promotes educators' professional development, effectively advocates for the importance of K-12 education, creates meaningful activities to support the education of K-12 students, and shares awareness of FEA activities with the greater jdb电子 campus. Anyone interested in being a K-12 educator is welcome to join.
联系: 南希·杰克逊,M. Ed.
610-372-4721 ext. 5263
Latin American Student Organization (LASO) - The mission of this organization is still the same. 我们希望鼓励校园里的其他拉美学生,并与他们建立联系,为他们提供一个安全的空间,让他们畅所欲言,成长为年轻的专业人士!
联系: Elianny罗德里格斯
610-372-4721 ext 5147
遗产 - 遗产 is an award-winning journal produced by students of Reading Area Community College. 遗产的目标是作为我们学校的创意出口,并为我们的学生取得的卓越成就提供一个展示. 通过散文, 诗歌, 艺术作品, 和摄影, 遗产 reflects the diversity and richness within jdb电子’s campus. As it is entirely student-run, 遗产还为选择在其团队中服务的学生提供了一个极好的机会,以获得实践出版经验.
联系: Dr. Bahar Diken
610-372-4721 ext. 5035
Muslim Student Association -这个组织的目的不仅仅是给校园里的穆斯林带来安慰和知识, 而是对所有信仰的人,在本宪法、细则和规则的框架内, 规定, and policies of the College and the Board of Trustees.
联系: Carmela Capellupo-Beaver
National Society for Leadership & 成功(NSLS) - Building leaders who make a better world.
联系: Jamica安德鲁斯
Director of Student Activities
Phi Theta Kappa International Honor Society (Alpha Sigma Rho Chapter) - Phi Theta Kappa, the honor society for two-year colleges, is foremost a recognition of academic achievement. The local chapter also provides members with many opportunities for scholarship, 领导, service and fellowship as an active club on campus. Membership can be beneficial in terms of a variety of scholarships, at the two-year school as well as future four-year colleges. 目前注册的学生在完成至少12个小时的jdb电子副学士课程,平均成绩为3分时被邀请加入.60或以上.
联系: Danelle鲍尔
610-372-4721 ext. 5451 or
Dr. 唐娜单例
610-372-4721 ext. 5096
Student Government Association -雷丁区社区学院学生自治协会(SGA)由不同群体的学生组成,他们是学生群体的代言人. SGA努力确保满足您对JDB电子官网的关注和兴趣. Advocacy and campus life improvement are the main focus of SGA. They also sponsor the many of 事件 on campus. 所有的学生 with a minimum GPA of 2.0 are eligible to petition to become a senator of SGA after attending three consecutive meetings; completing a petition signed by twenty (20) currently enrolled jdb电子 students; & obtaining a letter of recommendation from 工作人员 or faculty at jdb电子. 所有的学生, 工作人员, 和教职员工都欢迎参加SGA会议,表达他们的担忧或建议. Only members of SGA will be able to vote on the issues raised.
联系: 琥珀雷耶斯
Director of Student Activities
(610) 372-4721分机. 5206
The Student Nurses Association -学生护士协会@jdb电子 (SNA@jdb电子)是当地的学生护士协会分会. 会员由一年级和二年级的学生护士组成,他们参加了jdb电子副学士护理课程的临床课程.
顾问: Tracie Rowles-Weyandt MSN, RN
610-372-4721 ext. 5419
The jdb电子 Christian Network - Regardless of where you are in your faith, jdb电子基督教网络将学生聚集在一起,互相分享和鼓励. Open to all current jdb电子 students, our goal is to benefit the campus and community through service and outreach. We strive to provide a forum for Christians, to enhance Biblical knowledge through Bible study and prayer meetings; to share the Christian faith with those willing to listen and to create greater opportunities for student interaction outside the classroom.
顾问: 苏珊·卡尔森